This fully searchable collection of the Uzbek National Bibliography was compiled by the International and Area Studies Library at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. Search the full collection using the search box at the top right of this page. Search individual documents by clicking the title of the document, then clicking the magnifying glass icon in the top left corner of the PDF viewer. Consult our Tips for Searching to improve your search results, especially when searching Latin Uzbek portions of the texts.

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Совет Ўзбекистони китоби = Книга советского Узбекистана

(Sovet Ŭzbekistoni kitobi = Kniga sovetskogo Uzbekistana)

Published 1976-1985; listing publications 1917-1975

Series of retrospective bibliographies with entries for books and pamphlets published in Soviet Uzbekistan. Contains entries for works on all subjects in Uzbek and other local languages, as well as in Russian and foreign languages.

Current volumes: 16

Ўзбекистон ССР китобларининг йилномаси = Ежегодник книги Узбекской ССР

(Ŭzbekiston SSR kitoblarining iilnomasi = Ezhegodnik knigi Uzbekskoi SSR)

Published since 1977; listing publications since 1976

A continuation of the Sovet Ŭzbekistoni kitobi = Kniga sovetskogo Uzbekistana series. Series of bibliographies with entries for books and pamphlets on all subjects published in Soviet Uzbekistan in Uzbek and other local languages, as well as in Russian and foreign languages. Dissertations are listed separately.

Current volumes: 22

Китоб летописи: ЎзССР давлат библиография органи = Книжная летопись: орган государственной библиографии УзССР

(Kitob letopisi : ŬzSSR davlat bibliografiia organi = Knizhnaia letopis' : organ gosudarstvennoi bibliografii UzSSR)

Published 1928-1967

A quarterly/monthly bibliography with entries for books and pamphlets published in Soviet Uzbekistan. It is divided into two sections, the first containing entries for works in Uzbek or other local languages and the second for works published in Russian and foreign languages. Continued after 1967 as part Continued after 1967 as part of the Ŭzbekiston SSR matbuoti solnomasi = Letopis' pechati Uzbekskoi SSR series.

The 1928-1940 bibliographies use old Uzbek Latin characters and spelling conventions. Consult TIPS FOR SEARCHING before attempting to search the non-Cyrillic portions of these bibliographies.

Current volumes: 63

Журнал мақолари летописи = Летопись журнальных статей

(Zhurnal maqolari letopisi = Letopis’ zhurnalnykh statei)

Published 1961-1967; 1977

Monthly bibliography of articles, literary works, and other materials published in Uzbek periodicals. Continued after 1967 as part of the Ŭzbekiston SSR matbuoti solnomasi = Letopis' pechati Uzbekskoi SSR series. One additional issue of Zhurnal Makalalari Solnomasi was published in 1977.

Current volumes: 13

Ўзбекистон ССР матбуоти солномаси = Летопись печати Узбекской ССР

(Ŭzbekiston SSR matbuoti solnomasi = Letopis' pechati Uzbekskoi SSR)

Published 1968-; listing publications from 1967-

In 1968 two former bibliographies Kitob letopisi : ŬzSSR davlat bibliografiia organi = Knizhnaia letopis' : organ gosudarstvennoi bibliografii UzSSR were folded into this omnibus bibliography of books, periodicals, fine art, articles, reviews, sheet music, maps, and publications relating to Uzbekistan from the other Soviet republics. It also contains statistical information about Uzbek publications. Four issues of a similar multi-format bibliography were also published in 1937.

The 1937 bibliographies use old Uzbek Latin characters and spelling. Consult TIPS FOR SEARCHING before attempting to search the non-Cyrillic portions of these bibliographies.

Current volumes: 384

Бадий адабиёт ўзбек тилига таржимада = Художественная литература в переводе на узбекский язык

(Badii adabiet ŭzbek tiliga tarzhimada = Khudozhestvennaia literatura v perevode na uzbeksii iazyk)

Published 1990; listing publications 1924-1990

Retrospective bibliography with entries for literature translated into Uzbek and published in Soviet Uzbekistan. Records for Russian literature of the Soviet and pre-revolutionary periods are listed first, followed by literature translated from other languages of the Soviet Union.

Current volumes: 1

Ўзбекистонда 1917-1981 йилларда нашр қилинган қардош республикалар ёзувчиларининг асарлари = Произведения писателей братских республик, изданные в Узбекистане в 1917-1981 гг.

(Ŭzbekistonda 1917-1981 iillarda nashr qilingan qardosh respublikalar ezuvchilarining asarlari = Proizvedeniia pisatelei bratskikh respublik, izdannye v Uzbekistane v 1917-1981 gg.)

Published 1983; listing publications 1917-1981

Retrospective bibliography with entries for literature of the other Soviet republics, published in its original language in Soviet Uzbekistan. Entries for Russian works are listed first, followed by entries for works in other languages of the Soviet Union, arranged by language. Within each section, multi-author collections are listed first followed by works by individual authors.

Current volumes: 1

Ўзбекистон ССРда нашр қилинган чет эл ёзувчиларининг асарлари = Произведения писателей зарубежных стран, изданные в Узбекской ССР

(Ŭzbekiston SSRda nashr qilingan ezuvchilarining asarlari = Proizvedeniia pisatelei zarubezhnykh stran, izdannye v Uzbekskoi SSR)

Published 1985; listing publications 1924-1985

Retrospective bibliography with entries for foreign (non-Soviet) literary works published in Soviet Uzbekistan. Multi-author collections are listed first followed by works by individual authors, arranged by country. Within each country section, children’s literature is listed separately at the end. Works listed in this bibliography are in Uzbek, Russian, Qaraqalpaq, and other local languages of Uzbekistan.

Current volumes: 1

Ўзбекистон ёзувчиларининг қардош республикаларда нашр қилинган асарлари = Произведения писателей Узбекистана изданные в братских республиках

(Ŭzbekiston ezuvchilarining qardosh respublikalarda nashr qilingan asarlari = Proizvedeniia pisatelei Uzbekistana izdannye v bratskikh respublikakh)

Published 1984; listing publications 1924-1984

Retrospective bibliography with entries for Uzbek literature published in translation in the other Soviet and autonomous republics. The entries are divided by republic, starting with Russia. Within each republic section multi-author collections are listed first, followed by works by individual authors.

Current volumes: 1

Ўзбекистон ССР болалар ва ёшлар адабиёти (1917-1950 йй.) = Детская и юношеская литература Узбекской ССР (1917-1950 гг.)

(Ŭzbekiston SSR bolalar va eshlar adabieti (1917-1959 ii.) = Detskaia i iunosheskaia literatura Uzbekskoi SSR (1917-1950 gg.))

Published 1985; listing publications 1917-1950

Retrospective bibliography with entries for works for children and adolescents published in Soviet Uzbekistan in Uzbek, Russian, Qaraqalpaq, Uyghur, Tajik, and other local languages. The first section contains entries for technical and scientific works, including works by Lenin. The second section contains entries for Russian literature, Uzbek literature, Qaraqalpaq literature, literature of the other Soviet republics, and foreign (non-Soviet) literature.

Current volumes: 1